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Title: Teachers’ perceptions and practice of social and emotional education in Greece, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom
Authors: Scott Loinaz, Edurne
Keywords: Emotional conditioning
Emotional intelligence -- Greece
Emotional intelligence -- Spain
Emotional intelligence -- Sweden
Emotional intelligence -- United Kingdom
Teachers -- Training of -- Greece
Teachers -- Training of -- Spain
Teachers -- Training of -- Sweden
Teachers -- Training of -- Great Britain
Social adjustment -- Study and teaching
Social skills -- Study and teaching
Issue Date: 2019-04
Publisher: University of Malta. Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: Scott Loinaz, E. (2019). Teachers’ perceptions and practice of social and emotional education in Greece, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. International Journal for Emotional Education, 1(11), 31-48.
Abstract: The central motive for conducting this research was to investigate how Greece, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom treat social and emotional education (SEE) within pedagogical practice. The study used a sequential quantitative-qualitative analysis with a comparative design, with 750 teachers in the initial quantitative phase participating in a questionnaire, and 22 teachers in the following qualitative phase participating in semi-structured interviews. Significant cross-cultural differences were found in SEE provision, as well as in teachers’ beliefs about the purpose of SEE. Teacher education in SEE was found to be available to only a minority of teachers in all four countries. In terms of practice, SEE was more likely to be introduced in schools by teachers themselves (or a partnership between teachers and headteachers) rather than by educational policy. Furthermore, the findings show that SEE provision was more likely to be implicit (taken into consideration in existing classes but not taught as a separate subject), than explicit (having dedicated time and curriculum devoted to SEE).
ISSN: 20737629
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 11 Issue 1
IJEE, Volume 11 Issue 1

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